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Clean Indoor Air Solution

The solution for you!

CIAS | Clean Indoor Air Solution

Meeting the ventilation standards of the Dutch government is no guarantee that the air in buildings is sufficiently free of aerosol particles, (fine) substances, pollen, viruses, etc. Even in buildings that comply with the Building Decree, intensive use, such as during sports , the concentration of aerosol particles can increase considerably. This is the main conclusion of experiments conducted by Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e) in a fitness room of the Eindhoven Student Sports Center. 


Lead researcher Prof. Dr. Ir. Bert Blocken concludes that a combination of ventilation and innovative air purification can be a good precaution for safe and responsible sports, even during the corona pandemic. The research was  published  in the scientific journal Building and Environment. 


It is only logical that this is interesting for all branches (offices, catering, fitness, SMEs, etc.).

NB Schools have been fighting for a higher air quality in the classrooms for a long time.


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Blocken says: “The cleaners are efficient, they eliminate the need for an expensive upgrade of existing ventilation systems, and they can be deployed flexibly. In addition, they offer a solution if we are less able to ventilate because of the cold by opening windows and doors”.


The solution


Healthy Office has developed a unique and innovative concept for this, called: CIAS (Clean Indoor Air Solution). CIAS is the total solution to create clean air in every room, adapted by our smart system to the volume of the room, use of the room, traffic in the room, duration of use of the room and the air quality risks.


The final result, in addition to guaranteed clean air, what we can achieve with this is:

  • a flexible system that we can implement everywhere, resulting in cost reduction (e.g. the largest or most expensive air purifier does not have to be placed in every room) 

  • Energy-efficient because the system only runs if the sensors set by us indicate this 

  • Thanks to the linked data logging system, we can adjust and fine-tune your system where necessary

  • A healthier indoor environment with the result:  less staff turnover, reduce complaints of hay fever, asthma, respiratory allergies, headache and fatigue, it increases concentration, improves the body's immune system and increases of resistance to disease       

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  • Contact us

  • Schedule an appointment

  • We will personally visit your location

  • An inventory and analysis of the situation in question follows

  • We will work this out for you and make a quote for you based on this



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